CCAP’s day to day operations are led by the President and Chief Executive Officer, Christopher Mansfield, who has assembled a seasoned Leadership Team which assists in the daily operation of the Agency. CCAP is one of the largest community action programs in Rhode Island with an annual budget of over $40 million and a staff of over 350 employees.
About Us
Board of Directors
CCAP is governed by the provisions of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), as are all CAP agencies. As a result, our Board of Directors is required to consist of a tripartite — it comprises three different sectors of our community. We have a 15 member Board–
- One-third is comprised of representatives from local government
- One-third is comprised from local organizations
- One-third is made up of consumers of our services
For more information on our Board of Directors, please call

Leadership Team

Jessica Anderson
Director of Behavioral Health
Gina Eubank, CPEHR
Chief Operating Officer